Sunday, April 6, 2014

Faith in him, keeps them going !!

"Bhagvan ni to mara par bau krupa chhe saheb" 

A man aged 50 who had to get his leg cut and who is suffering from cancer told this to me. Here everybody knew what the real value of 'life' is, why is it necessary to be happy in whatever they had and how divine the presence of god is. May be because they had suffered to an extent that we may not be able to imagine. These people knew the exact meaning of pain, loneliness and how does it feel when your parents or your children don't want you in your own house and leave you when you needed them the most. I am talking about a place called 'sahyog' near Himatnagar, Gujarat where they give a home to mentally retarded people, to those suffering from various major diseases and many others.

Leprosy is a kind of disease which makes you helpless. Every morning when you wake up you are not sure if all the organs are working the same as they used to yesterday. Watching yourself becoming helpless day by day could be one of the saddest things and the worst nightmare. I assumed that it is justified for these people to be angry at god or if they are sad or depressed, they have got a legitimate reason to be so, but surprisingly, not only these people believed in god but were grateful to him for giving whatever little they had. They had the biggest smile on their face, they were happy talking to each other, listening to radio and most of all for getting another day to live. Faith in god keeps them happy, it makes them feel that above everything and everybody there is someone taking care of them and it is because of him, they have whatever they have today.

You can cry all you want about not having a huge house or not having the looks u want or anything alike but one only realizes how shallow that is when  they see someone with A LOT less money and a lot more and PAIN with a BIGGER SMILE than what you have. 
Living a life wishing a lot of abundance of money is amazing and to live a life achieving all the materialist pleasure is also great but to live where you be the source of somebody's smile or you are the reason of someone's survival helps you to be at peace and gives you a sense of satisfaction. 

Its not been too long where "Dude, why do i care, their fate, their problem!! has been replaced by "hey don't worry, i care". One doesn't need to sacrifice his whole life to help people but to help somebody, ANYBODY, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME without hesitation and with a beautiful smile is necessary. 

#LoveAll #ServeAll #RememberGod

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Love, heartbreaks and after effects

"Dude, you dont understand, I love her ! I cant live a moment without her !!"
somebody recently told me this and i was surprised to see how desperate he was to be with his ex-girlfriend.

He told me the whole story, the same old story of one sided love and the other person getting bored of "over-attention", "over-possessiveness", "over-expectations" and finally they end the relationship leaving other person in a misery.

what i wonder is, who really is at fault in the relationship ?

the boy who loved the girl and devoted his self to the girl(without noticing that the girl doesn't love him)?
the girl who never actually felt the feeling which the boy felt (may be she tried but it was just not possible)?

It is not possible that the person who was in love couldn't see that the person who he is in a relationship with does not love him. It is also not possible to pretend so well that the other person can not make out whether she is real or fake.
he said, It is not fair on her part to leave me like this. i asked, "is it fair for her to pretend that she loves you even if she doesn't"?

every year there are thousands of teenagers attempting sue-sides
not because, someone whom they loved, left them.
not because, someone cheated on them

but because they made the other person so much important in their life that now their whole life seems pointless. Loneliness eats them up. Light of the life fades away because they have forgotten to love themselves in order to love someone who they just met some time back.

every heart break is a beautiful lesson for our life, it not only teaches us to first believe in ourself but also gives us a new life, new mature perspective to life. It makes us observe the things we never did before and when we come out of it we are better, mature and grown up from within. heartbreaks has a painful yet beautiful positive side, the sooner you learn the better it is for you.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Being forgiving

Its not necessary that only those people who wish ill for you do bad things for you the same way it is also not necessary that those people whom you trust the most will not do bad things for you. Recently i came across the concept of "being forgiving". As i understand, Forgiving is way to above Revenge, Hate, Vengeance or ill will. When someone you love does not live up to your expectations or hurt you unknowingly or knowingly its totally in your hands whether to hurt them back or keep grudges or distance yourself from them or TO FORGIVE THEM. 

Mahatma Gandhi says "Weak can never forgive, forgiveness is an attribute of the strong". Its not that you have to forgive a person after he begs for forgiveness. Forgiveness is always for you and not for them. 

As Osho very rightly says,

"Forgiveness simply means you accept the person as he is, you still love him the way he is. Forgiveness means that you don’t judge him, that you are non-judgmental. But ordinarily we think forgiveness means you know that he has done wrong, still you forgive him. First you judge and then you forgive. Your forgiveness is false. Real forgiveness has no judgment. It never says, “No, you have done wrong, but still I forgive you.” It simply accepts the person as he is. There is no grudge, no complaint, no grumbling. There is no question really of forgiving because there is no anger in the first place."

"Forgiving is doing a favor on yourself and not others"

I believe that Universe or god or almighty whatever you believe in, has funny ways to teach things. He gives you a situation and leaves the interpretation upon you. Its you who have to decide how you want to react upon such things or whether u wanna at all react upon it or not. Many times in life there comes a stage where the person whom you love the most, whom u care about the most, whom u trust the most does something which tears you apart. it looks extremely difficult to get over it and forgiving that person seems out of question but we have to remember one thing forever, which is, that he is the same person with whom you have shared some amazing, breath taking and never ending moments. He is the same person who meant so much to you that you actually let that person do the things which he did. So again there comes a question do i really need to take revenge or keep grudges for the same person whom i once loved? That is when "being forgiving" helps the most. Its not that you don't remember the things he did to you but you just accept that person as he is and love them anyways.

Remember that one person whom you thought who will never hurt you but who has proved you wrong, think about the amazing moments you had shared together and later on think about things he did to you because of which you were hurt. Still having the same feelings which you had back then makes you feel vulnerable, makes you waste your time and energy for something you don't feel good about but if you forgive  the same person now makes you feel strong, positive and it channelize your energy towards Love and selflessness. 

TODAY, forgive that one person whom you hated the most or who had hurt you the most, forgiving doesnt mean you need to go and tell that person "hey even though u did so many bad things to me, i forgive you" you just have to forgive him for yourself because at the end of the day its you who needs a life which is filled with Love, Joy, Happiness & Peace.

-Whatever happens, Happens for good.

keep smiling, stay rocking

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Mumbai and its learnings


A city which never sleeps, a city where millions of dreams come true & a city with tons of opportunities.

I was lucky enough to get an internship in Mumbai in one of very reputed law firms. I belong to a lil smaller city where the atmosphere is totally different. Not only Mumbai is comparatively very fast but also it is the land full of opportunities. All u need to have is passion for your dreams and ability to work hard. This city has taught me many important lessons for my life.

queen's necklace(mumbai)*

Somebody very rightly told me "Mumbai is not a city for middle class" the statement seems very vague but for the matter of fact, it is cent percent true. Either you are extremely rich and live a lavish life with all the amenities that a person would dream of, or you are one of those 90% of people who struggles everyday to earn their bread and butter. Even though person a earning a handsome amount does not mean he is living a lavish life in this city. Everyday waking up early, traveling in train, working your ass off struggling and then again travel in same crowded train and reach home(not necessary your own). A city where owning a house is a luxury. It is said that millions of people come to Mumbai everyday seeking a better life and brighter future and they are never disappointed.

"empty pocket and hungry stomach teaches a million things in life"

while living in this city i experience neither of the above mentioned thing but saw thousands of people experiencing the same.

The most important lesson this city taught me is, You are the Creator of your own destiny, You have to decide how you want your life to be. millions of people living in this city lives a monotonous life, in fact not only this city everywhere after a certain period of time a human life becomes monotonous and interest in your work and eventually life starts fading away, its you who has to decide how u see your life whether you wanna be one of those million people who get up, go to work, struggle and come home tired, angry and disinterested or you wanna live a life which u have chosen to live, where you love the surroundings, love your work and you are ever smiling.

It taught me that no matter what work you do, if you do it consistently with all your efforts and all your heart success is truly yours

This city also taught me not to be afraid of dreaming high, it has taught me to work my ass off to achieve my dreams and also taught me how to behave normal in the office when you were stoned/drunk the previous night. I am in love with the speed of this city everything moving & progressing as fast as possible.

And Above all Beauty and the sound of the ocean takes away all your negative energy and leaves you with the an empty(peaceful) mind with a sweet smile on your face. The Queen’s necklace(Marine Drive) is the most beautiful place to relax, to give yourself time to think from your busy day, to see the amazing sunset & the never ending Arabian sea. It had been my routine to keep watching the Arabian sea after the office hours. it gave me a different kind of energy, a different kind of satisfaction and most importantly peace.

"Amchi Mumbai" 

*images taken from google

Thursday, November 15, 2012

" Life "

Life, a human life.

i read somewhere that there is a soul which never dies, it just takes birth in different bodies. 

A human life, that's what we have got this time. humans are considered to be the smartest and most intelligent species in the world. the life span of 60 years that we are living, are we really doing something that is different or that makes u feel that yes, its good that i have got the life of a human being. all animals every morning wake up and find their food just to survive. what do humans do ? work? to survive? but is that all that we want to do? there are approximately 8,000,000,000 human beings including you on this earth. Do you really want to be one of those or want to do something different, "something" that makes you and others proud, "something" you and people will remember it for years, "something" by which a life is changed, something which makes someone happy and smile.

I wanna be different, i want to make people smile, i wanna help who really needs it and i wanna stand out from those who are just living this life for sake of living. We all know we are going to die one day but do we really wanna die just like that being those bunch of people who did nothing and lived the life only for themselves?

"Only a life lived for others is worth living." -Einstein

everyday or every second you are wasting is gone. you are not going to get it again no matter what. when you look back, what type of life you have lived, if you are not satisfied with it make sure you start living such life that you don't have to regret in future.

Do each and everything you want, don't be sad, don't regret. Live each moment as if it is your last.

:) a smile is something which makes others feel good. keep smiling stay awesome be different :)

share your ideas and experience how u made someone smile or would like to :) 

stay unstoppable